I am a drug addict
and the drug that I crave is Oxytocin
I don't simply seek the weak version you can find in a hug, a fuck, or a conversation...
I want that concentrated shit, with a balanced supply chain... and I'm willing to wait.
There's no other version I've tasted that comes close to making love to someone you cherish above the rest, someone who humbles you, inspires the poetry within, someone who can overwhelm your defenses and rush in headfirst. The only dealer worth having is one with enough emotional stability to keep the pipes flowing over the months and years it takes to develop the level of connection that this habit unfortunately requires.
My drug requires the building of trust, the practice of forgiveness, and a quick wit to keep me on my toes. To get high I have to go deep into the bond between myself and some alien entity that somehow fits snuggly against a facet of my soul.
... I am without a steady supply right now, but I'm a vigilant addict and I'm looking for my fix.